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Realization of mediation services

completely in an electronic environment

The Mediation System serves as an alternative, free and transparent solution for disputes before and after the court. Digital Mediation aims to carry out this process completely electronically.


In the mediation process, support is provided to users through social media, TV advertisements, call center and instant messaging applications to solve the problems experienced by all stakeholders. In addition, mediators are periodically subjected to various trainings through universities determined by the Department of Mediation. During these trainings, information and evaluations are made regarding the technical functioning of the system, user feedback and system updates.

Mediation office personnel in courthouses are subject to legislation and system training by the Mediation Department and the General Directorate of Information Technologies.

In the law courses of universities, students are informed about the rapid resolution of legal disputes through the mediation process.

The mediation system in our country is shown as an example in many countries as a digitally executed system.

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Thanks to the Digital Realization of the Mediation System, for all stakeholders involved in the process; positive gains have been achieved in terms of time, energy and economics, as well as factors such as trust in the concept of justice for other segments of the society, awareness of protecting the environment and social peace.

In the Mediation System, 3,607,000 files have been created electronically since the system was started to be implemented. 1,716,000 of these files resulted in an agreement without resorting to litigation in civil courts.

In addition, between March 2020 and March 2022, when the covid-19 pandemic was intensely felt in our country, 787.985 of 1,609,027 applications were resolved electronically without the parties coming together physically.

The e-Mediator Mobile Application used by the mediators and the Mediator Portal, the Citizen Portal and the Lawyer Portal applications used by the parties, work integrated and form the digital pillars of the process. It was made possible for the stakeholders to complete their meetings with the teleconference method, to sign the final minutes document with an electronic signature in the digital environment and to transfer it to the system.


Thanks to the Mediation System, it has been determined that the number of cases brought to civil courts in the types of cases subject to obligatory mediation has decreased by 50%.

In this way, due to the reduction in the workload of the courts, the trial times of other cases were shortened. Since the dispute between the parties was not brought to the judicial process, faster results were obtained. Citizens witnessed that their disputes were resolved within 1 to 4 weeks through the mediation process. Since the dispute has not been brought to the judicial process, the mediation process has positively affected all relevant institutions, since the correspondence with other institutions for the information and documents needed in the trial process has disappeared. This data has provided great economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.




files have been created electronically.

files resulted in an agreement without resorting to litigation in civil courts.

787.985 of the 1.609,027 application files were resolved electronically without the parties coming together physically.

Working hard


Since the use of electronic signatures is not common in our country, it is necessary for the parties to come together physically or to sign the documents by sending them by mail for the resolution of disputes.

Efforts are made to raise citizens' awareness through TV public service announcements, social media and the press that encourage the use of electronic media in mediation. Considering the success of the mediation process in consumer, commercial and employee-employer disputes, rent disputes and divorce cases are also considered for inclusion in the scope of mediation.

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Ergazi Mahallesi Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bulvarı No: 448/B Pk. 06370 Ankara / TÜRKİYE


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